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Maintenance of pneumatic valves

createdate:2021-02-01  hits:1

Pneumatic valve is a valve driven by compressed air. When purchasing pneumatic valves, only specifying the specification, category and working pressure can meet the purchasing requirements. It can be used to control the flow of various types of fluids such as air, water, steam, various corrosive media, mud, oil, liquid metal and radioactive media. It is imperfect in the current market economy environment. For the sake of product competition, the manufacturers of pneumatic valves have made different innovations under the idea of unified design of pneumatic valves, forming their own enterprise standards and product personality. Therefore, when purchasing pneumatic valves, it is necessary to put forward technical requirements in detail and reach a consensus with the manufacturer as an annex to the pneumatic valve purchase contract.

Pneumatic valve is a high-quality valve with convenient operation and low failure rate. For technicians of pneumatic ball valve and pneumatic butterfly valve, we need to develop a good habit of valve inspection and maintenance. Regular inspection and maintenance will make the equipment run more smoothly. So how should the specific work be carried out in the daily inspection of pneumatic valves?

The maintenance and inspection of cylinder and valve body, and the cylinder of pneumatic valve need to be cleaned regularly. When cleaning, ensure that every part of the cylinder can be cleaned in place. Generally speaking, the cleaning cycle of the cylinder is different according to the use situation.

It can be said that when doing the corresponding work, you need to pay attention to many things. In order to make better use of it and play a role, you need to understand many things. In general, it is to enable you to work well.

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